
Name Cast Date Beginning End Place Free seats
Bruncvík or how the lion appeared in our coat-of-arms Cast Tue  22.10. Beginning 10:00 Place Malé divadlo Free seats 8 Buy for school tickets
Bruncvík or how the lion appeared in our coat-of-arms Cast Wed  23.10. Beginning 10:00 Place Malé divadlo Free seats 20+ Buy for school tickets
Bruncvík or how the lion appeared in our coat-of-arms Cast Thu  24.10. Beginning 10:00 Place Malé divadlo Free seats 20+ Buy for school tickets
Bruncvík or how the lion appeared in our coat-of-arms Cast Sat  26.10. Beginning 10:00 Place Malé divadlo Free seats 20+
Bruncvík or how the lion appeared in our coat-of-arms Cast Wed  20.11. Beginning 10:00 Place Malé divadlo Free seats 20+ Buy for school tickets
Bruncvík or how the lion appeared in our coat-of-arms Cast Thu  21.11. Beginning 10:00 Place Malé divadlo Free seats 14 Buy for school tickets
Bruncvík or how the lion appeared in our coat-of-arms Cast Thu  30.1. Beginning 10:00 Place Malé divadlo Free seats 19 Buy for school tickets

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