
Name Cast Date Beginning End Place Free seats
Little Red Riding Hood strikes back Cast Mon  23.9. Beginning 10:00 Place Malé divadlo Free seats 20+ Buy for school tickets
Little Red Riding Hood strikes back Cast Tue  24.9. Beginning 10:00 Place Malé divadlo Free seats 20+ Buy for school tickets
Little Red Riding Hood strikes back Cast Sat  2.11. Beginning 15:00 Place Malé divadlo Free seats 17
Little Red Riding Hood strikes back Cast Wed  11.12. Beginning 10:00 Place Malé divadlo Free seats 20+ Buy for school tickets
Little Red Riding Hood strikes back Cast Thu  12.12. Beginning 10:00 Place Malé divadlo Free seats 20+ Buy for school tickets
Little Red Riding Hood strikes back Wed  15.1. Beginning 10:00 Place Malé divadlo Free seats 20+ Buy for school tickets
Little Red Riding Hood strikes back Cast Thu  16.1. Beginning 10:00 Place Malé divadlo Free seats 20+ Buy for school tickets

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